Surf Travel……. plane flights, barrels, tropical weather, passports, boardies, epic food, getting pitted, overseas sickness, overhead frothing, new places, faces, people, and life-experience. I think being a surfer and traveling for the purpose of chasing what you love is one of the pinnacles of surfing.
Getting to travel and surf some epic waves is one of my drivers in life. Being able to experience new cultures, get into new foods, surf points you’ve seen on youtube and read about, hot hot hot weather, coconuts post-surf, getting out of your comfort zone, surfing some solid reef breaks… it’s the life!!
I’ve been fortunate over the last few years to be able to travel pretty extensively to chase some surf. There’s still loads of places I still want to go, but I would consider myself to have a decent “handle” on how to travel for surfing…. but as in life, there’s always a bit more to learn.
One thing I’ve come to especially value over the years is being fit and prepared for finally getting back into some good surf after you haven’t really had to “push” yourself in some decent swells. A few other key points in my eyes while on a surf holiday is staying healthy and injury free so you can keep on getting in the water, and also keeping your immune system strong to ward off those vicious stomach viruses.
Coming Up To The Trip
I tend to focus on endurance, paddle strength and shoulder health, and making sure I’m dynamically flexible. Building up some work capacity, which is essentially your ability to paddle around for extended periods of time is pretty essential. Read more »